Brand: OCULUS, ,

OCULUS ImageCam® 3

One of the Smallest Slit Lamp Documentation Systems Available

The OCULUS ImageCam® 3 is one of the world’s smallest image documentation systems and can be adapted to virtually all commercially available slit lamps.

The slit lamp photos and videos are captured with a high-resolution, digital USB 3.0 camera by simply pressing a foot switch, or, in the „digital ready“ versions of OCULUS slit lamps, using the joystick. Complete slit lamp examinations can be recorded as a video sequence, from which the best frames can be selected and saved for documentation of the findings.

OCULUS ImageCam® 3: image documentation system for slit lamps
  • Small and lightweight – The beam splitter and the camera unit are extremely small and lightweight, making your routine slit-lamp diagnostics light work in the truest sense of the word.
  • Swivelling prism – The coupling prism of the ImageCam® 3 beam splitter can be completely swung in and out of the slit lamp’s beam path using a lever.
  • Universally adaptable – The OCULUS ImageCam® 3 system is suitable for most slit lamps thanks to its versatile adaptation options.
  • Super light sensitive USB 3.0 camera – Only a powerful camera can produce low-noise images in as difficult conditions as prevail around the eye.
  • Intuitive Software – The software is easy to use, presenting the images recorded in an attractive frame.
  • Image from video – The ImageCam® 3 enables you to record your entire slit lamp examination on a video from which you can then select the best frames for your archive. That spells good-bye to blurred images and consistently high-class images for your documentation.



A Picture is Worth More Than a Thousand Words

Application Examples:

  • Documentation of the anterior and posterior eye segment
  • Image use for better patient education
  • Fluorescein imaging for contact lens fitting
  • Follow-ups
  • Storage and archiving of findings
  • Single image mode – Pigmentation
  • Four picture mode – Lid surgery follow-up
  • Single image mode – Tear meniscus
  • Four picture mode – Corneal degeneration

Keratograph and ImageCam® 3 software linked together
Keratograph and ImageCam® 3 software linked together

Serial exposures – the right moment in focus

The ImageCam® 3 serial capture mode helps you master the challenge of motion blur and take images with crisp focus.

Serial capture with incremental exposure time
Serial capture with incremental exposure time

Technical Data

Camera Progressive scan
Interface USB 3.0
Shutter system Global shutter

Beam splitter
Splitting ratio 70/30 (camera/binocular)
Splitting prism swing-in/swing-out
Aperture (mechanical) adjustable


Image viewer Image processing, measuring tool, printing and export, camera control
Image format JPG, BMP
Video format AVI, MJPEG
Network capability Central data base with viewer software


Technical specifications
Dimensions camera (W x D x H) 29 x 29 x 48 mm (1.1 x 1.1 x 1.9 in)
Dimensions beam splitter (W x D x H) 92 x 39 to 55 x 93 mm (3.6 x 1.5 to 2.2 x 3.6 in), depending on model
Weight camera 47 g (1.7 oz)
Weight beam splitter 335 to 480 g (11.8 to 16.9 oz), depending on model
Recommended computer requirements Intel Core(TM) i5, 256 GB SSD,1 TB SATA, 8 GB RAM, Windows® 10 Pro, USB 3.0
Recommended screen resolution 1920 x 1200 pixel



OCULUS ImageCam® 3 Brochure Download

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