NMR (no methylcellulose required) version. Widest field of view available for panretinal photocoagulation. Unique optical design provides clear, bright image across the entire field. Light weight. Securefit® flange for easy manipulation. Our advanced Laserlight® HD anti-reflective coating offers a brighter and clearer image.
Brand: OcularOpthalmic Lens, Medical Instruments, Uncategorized
Ocular Mainster PRP 165 Laser Lens NMR
Product Code: OMRA-PRP-165-2
Image Mag: .51x
Laser Spot Mag: 1.96x
Contact Diameter: 16.5mm
Lens Height: 27.5mm
Static FOV: 165°
Dynamic FOV: 180°
Categories: Opthalmic Lens, Medical Instruments, Uncategorized