Various forms of representation
- Overview
- Large Color Map
- 3D-Cornea
- Fourier-Analysis
- Zernike-Analysis (optionally)
- Indices (optionally)
- Comparing Examination
- Refractive Display Mode
- Height Map
- Camera Image
For visual patient consultation
A healthy cornea needs oxygen. New materials used for soft contact lenses offer excellent oxygen transmissibility. The new OxiMap for the Keratograph Topographer represents the oxygen transmissibility of soft contact lenses in color in accordance to the lens power and the lens material. With the OxiMap you can show and explain the differences between various soft contact lenses to your patients. It can assist you in selecting and recommending the best contact lens to your patients.
Easy to understand visualization during patient consultation = improved patient relationship!
The OxiMap includes all the most frequently sold spherical soft contact lenses (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba Vision, Cooper Vision, Johnson & Johnson).